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Sign Up for Our First-Time Home Buyer Program

It’s an exciting time when you decide to buy your first house. It can also be overwhelming. When you rented an apartment, you filled out an application, paid a deposit, and moved in. While the owners checked your financial stability and rental history, applying for a mortgage is much more involved.

You probably have numerous questions in addition to how to qualify for a mortgage. Longwood Residential’s first-time home buyer program can start to address your concerns at our free information session, which we hold periodically. In the market for Longwood Condos but not sure where to start? We'll post our next seminar on Facebook, so follow us there!

What to Expect at Our Free Home Buying Seminars

Longwood Residential hosts these events at our office. We are conveniently located at 1404A Beacon Street in Brookline. Here are some of the helpful topics we plan to address:

  • High-level overview of buying a home and the local real estate market Foyer of luxury home

  • Best practices for getting your offer accepted

  • Evaluating your financing options

  • Differences between buying and renting

  • What to expect during your home inspection

  • Expectations for closing

We also leave plenty of time to answer any questions from attendees. We understand that everyone has a unique situation that won’t necessarily fit into the general information we provide. You are welcome to contact a member of our team, if you have any immediate questions for us regarding buying or selling your home.

Education should be the first step on your exciting journey toward home ownership

Anyone interested in the home buying process is welcome to attend our free events! We just ask that you RSVP to info@longwoodresidential.com, or call us at 617-396-3100. Space for our first-time home buyer programs are limited, so reserve your spot today!