You may be considering selling your house on your own because you think it will save you time and money. In reality, going it alone usually ends up costing you more of both. Realtors are experienced at establishing competitive selling prices because they have access to updated sales data, financing terms, and other essential details of homes selling in your immediate vicinity. Without access to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), your asking price could be off as much as 40 percent. According to a 2015 National Association of Realtors study, homes sold by realtors sell for an average of $27,000 more than those sold by the owner!
Real Estate Agents Offer a Professional Marketing Plan
Selling a home today is different than your parents’ generation. While putting up a yard sign and an ad in the newspaper may have been enough then, 88 percent of people looking to buy a home today conduct their search online. Other things to consider are that realtors have professional connections in the industry who might send an interested buyer your way. They also have years of experience in creating marketing plans to get your house sold.
One Word: Paperwork
Industry regulations and mandatory disclosures make for a lot of paperwork and this has only increased over time. After getting through the appraisal, inspection, and negotiation with the buyer, you still have a mountain of paperwork to sign at the closing. These forms can be difficult for someone without real estate training to understand, which means you could end up signing legally binding documents that are not in your best interest.
Selling your house is a major transaction that requires the guidance of a professional realtor. If you’re set on for sale by owner, consider sitting down with an agent first to see what he or she can offer you.